Specializing in the sport of precision marksmanship from 10 meters to 1000 yards.

Welcome to This web-site will provide match descriptions, tutorials, and other information including match schedules and announcements on competitive rifle shooting in and near Arizona. The primary emphasis of this site is Convention NRA/CMP Service Rifle, Vintage Rifle, Mid-Range, Long-Range and "Palma" Rifle as well as NRA & ISSF/Olympic Pistol and smallbore rifle. Occasionally other shooting disciplines, such as F-class & Tactical  Rifle and Hunting Rifle.

prior year wbm
Scene from a prior-year Washington's Birthday Rifle Match
a team match all at 200 yards held at Ben Avery every February
this year will be Sunday 23-Feb (with a beginner's class saturday) all day on the High Power range.
Spectators welcome, drive in the main entrance at Ben Avery (the one without the traffic light) drive in, past the public range and a few other facilities,
then left at the stop sign at the berm onto LongShot Ln and right at the stop sign at Calle Silhouetta and
then immediately around the berm to the 200yd parking area. bring eye protection, glasses or sun glasses, ear protection if you've got some.

2024 Palma Championships
  Arizona Palma Championships 2024!

  Camp Perry 2024 pictures & write click here or on the pictures!

Adult NTT team at Perry 2024

Arizona Adult NTT team & puller at Camp Perry 2024
results are at    

meanwhile back to Camp Perry

Camp Perry
                                2024 Awards
Awards Ceremony at Camp Perry
The 2024 distinguished riflemen, there are 2 Arizonans on the stage. Tim T and Theo T, both "leg'd out" this year.

Click here or on the picture above for write up and dozens of photos
and for 2024 National Rifle Matches:  
National Matches for Pistol occur the week before Rifle   

Arizona Scorpions Junior Team at Camp Perry 2024.

A message from Coach Ken to all interested shooters

Hello and sorry for the mass email. 

As many of you know, I help coach the AZ Scorpions Junior Highpower Rifle Team here in Phoenix. We just returned from Camp Perry and we took 10 kids with us this year. Six of the ten were first timer's to Perry. Hopefully this was an important experience for them all. As a junior team, we came in 4th. Looking forward to the 2025 season and a top 3 finish. 

We were able to celebrate one of our juniors getting his Distinguished Rifleman's badge, a great accomplishment for a 17-year-old marksman who'll be off to his freshman year of College in a couple of weeks. 

Every year we raffle off a restored CMP Special Grade M1 Garand rifle, Springfield Armory receiver, chambered in 30-06 Springfield and its been totally refinished, new barrel, new stock and appears as new. 

Tickets are $5 each, five for $20.

These funds raised from the rifle go to help us return to Camp Perry next summer and every ticket sale helps the team. This program covers all of the kids ammo, match fees and travel costs back and forth from Ohio. 

Please share this email with your respective shooters email lists. For the raffle winner, we cover FLL shipping to an FFL dealer near you, winner need not be present to win. Drawing will be held next February here at the Ben Avery Range during the 2025 Washington's Birthday Match on Feb 23, 2025. 

Tickets can be purchased online through the AZ Rifle and Pistol Association website by following this link.

   Click here for More info about the Scorpions team  

We are always actively recruiting adult and youth shooters new to National Match style competition
both Rifle and Pistol, contact

National Matches at Camp Perry, OH
     Write up & Photos of the 2024 AZ team trip to the National Matches    

Upcoming Precision Rifle & Pistol Events:

Note: Most High Power prone and service rifle shoots meet up in the pits,
the area where we set up targets,
so when you get there the firing line will be empty,
just make your way to behind the berm with the number boards.
PRGC High Power shoots use e-targets, RSSC will go to e-targets this summer.
BASF has some shoots manual targets, some e-targets.
Most PRS/NRL shoots and a few state HP or LR championships
require advanced sign-up on Practiscore.

date day event range URL
1-Feb sat 80-shot 200/300/500 high power/service rifle club shoot PRGC
1-Feb sat NRL Gas Gun rifle shoot BASF
2-Feb sun 2700 NRA bullseye pistol shoot PRGC
8-Feb sat 500yd Prone/F-class PRGC
8-Feb sat PRS Shoot Cowtown
8-Feb sat 600yd practice match BASF
9-Feb sun 2700 NRA bullseye pistol shoot PRGC
9-Feb Sun 4-Peaks tactical PRS shoot RSSC
10-Feb sun 1000yd practice match BASF
10-16-Feb Southwest Nationals Long Range Championships 7 days BASF
11-16-Feb Desert Midwinter pistol champtionships PRGC
15-Feb sat CMP Games style mil/milsurp rifle shoot PRGC
16-Feb Sun NRL-22 rifle shoot BASF
16-Feb Sun Black Powder/Muzzle Loader shoot RSSC
19-Feb wed 200/300/600yd service rifle practice, 50/100yd smallbore practice BASF
19-Feb wed 200/300/600yd service rifle practice, 50/100yd smallbore practice BASF
22-Feb sat Washington's Birthday match - beginner's clinic & practice BASF
23-Feb Sun Olympic style Air Pistol league PRGC
23-Feb sun Washington's Birthday match - Team Match BASF


Contact if you would like to learn more about competition shooting.
Especially if you want to attend Camp Perry for Service Rifle week next year!

Latest update: 11-Feb-25

found online somewhere

Death before F-class

Typical Club Shoot/Match Schedules:

All events are open to everyone. Some require advance entry on Practiscore or other method.
Arrive 1 hour early for set up! Always bring 10 extra round for sighters. Always show up at the listed "pits" time or an hour early.AZ

NRA/CMP High Power or Service Rifle (200-300-600yd, standing, sitting, prone, slow & rapid fire, bring 100rds):

NRA Prone/F-class (500, 600, 800, 900 and/or 1000yd prone, bring 100rds)   

CMP "games" style rifle match, 200yds, prone & standing for mil and mil-surp rifles, bring 70+ rds

PRS/NRL style rifle shooting (various positions and distances, time pressure, CF or .22 bring 100rds)  
NRL pictures

NRA/Olympic style pistol (25 to 50 yds/meters slowfire or rapid/timed fire, .22, .32, .38, .45, bring 100rds each)

  • Some match or practice almost every weekend, thursday morning & wednesday evening at PRGC 
  • Monday evenings at   RSSC 

      NRA/Olympic Style smallbore Prone Rifle 50yd, 50m, 100yd .22 rifle including F-class        

We are actively recruiting new Junior shooters for the Scorpions team, must be large enough to hold up an AR-15 and under 21. Team will provide coaching and equipment.

We are actively recruiting new adult shooters to this sport. Experienced shooters will coach new shooters and loaner equipment is available!

Contact if interested!

Arizona Clubs with shooting competitions.
ALWAYS goto the club website and confirm before driving!:

Other Notes and links

"D.O.P.E." is a Backronym

Active Competition Shooters love coaching beginners new to the sport!
for more info!

Entrenamiento disponible en español también.

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NRA style Rifle Shooting Championship Matches in Arizona:

  Arizona's two main 2nd amendment oriented civil rights advocacy organizations:
and AZCDL.

AZ shooting notes

Arizona State Junior High Power Rifle Team
more info here

Washington's Birthday Match: 22-23Feb2025

GREAT article by Serena Juchinowski in Shooting Sports USA!

Descriptions of many common shooting events. More coming.
NRA/CMP Service & High Power Rifle
Rattle Battle/NTIT CMP M1/C&R Mid/Long Range & Palma and F-class
NRA Smallbore & Olympic
NRA Bulleye & Olympic Pistol
Tactical Precision aka NRL or PRS

Mid Tompkins & family being honored by AZGFC for his service to the shooting sports. Dec 23

2024 M1 Raffle Winner
Winner of the 2024 Scorpions Fund Raising raffle rifle

Scenes from other shooting disciplines

Shooters who have left the Range

NOTICE: This website is duplicated at 2 URLs:

Last modified by:  Bill Poole (see above date). (c)

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To Bill's homepage:


az rifle logo

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that page of quotes

miss my X-ring targets? click here