Specializing in the sport
of precision marksmanship from 10 meters to 1000 yards.
the Range

Mike Miller, 1946-2022 retired LEO, Competition
Rifle shooter and GREAT rifle coach!
Our friend and teammate Mike Miller died 26-Jan-22.
He was 75.
To the many people who experienced Mike’s kindness,
his mentoring, and his assistance, it would be no surprise
to know that his last good deed was to donate his
How fitting that a part of Mike that was essential to the
sport he loved will live on in another.
(Thanks Mike B, fellow high power shooter, for
notifying us all)

While he was not an Arizonan, when I met Konrad Powers (of
IL) at Perry a few years ago, he knew of this website, and
of course EVERYONE knows of his youtube channel.
Probably the best youtube channel for learning this sport.
I had the chance to pull targets for the IL team Konrad shot
on the year AZ did not have enough adult team members to
field an NTT team. They won.

John Martin, with a 1903A3, at Rio Salado in a 2002 photo
John Martin passed away in late July 2016.

Reg Parker on the left pair firing with Myles G a few years ago.
We got word in Sept '23 that Reg passed away. Reg's primary
competition shooting sport was High Power Rifle
he was also a professional in the high tech industry and taught at
Embry Riddle University as a retirement endeavor.
(Photo provided by Myles)

German Salazar 1960-2022
German came to
Phoenix for the Palma matches in the 90's and moved
here from FL in the early 2000's.
Triple Distinguished, he was active in both High Power
and Smallbore and in the local clubs for years
until his shoulder made it hard for him to get into
position in the mid 2010's.
He had a great website and columns on other websites
and was a mentor to many precision shooters.
We learned that he "left
the range" this June, joining others who have
contributed to this sport.

Bill Poole (Sr) 1935 -
Arizona shooting sports hobbyist, Master classified in Smallbore
Prone, retired mechanical engineer, father of a local high power
Allen Elliot

We have learned that Allen Elliot (shooting smallbore in 2003
above, long range high power in 2010 ) Passed away in 2023

I knew Bill Waskowitz from our connections in the electronics
industry decades ago in CA,
I hadn't seen him in years, but he was a mentor to me in my early
years in the shooting sports.

Haven Williams was a very serious smallbore shooter in the early
2000's who retired to AZ for the rest of his life and was a
regular at Ben Avery.
I don't remember what year he passed away but I recently found the
photo and wanted to add it to this page.

AZ shooter Jack Greenleaf passed away several years ago. I
recently found the photo and wanted to add it to this page.

I just got the word that Steve Merritt passed away this year.
After he retired in 2000 he moved to AZ and was a very active
High Power shooter for more than a decade.
Pictured here at Camp Perry 2001.

The Motorola Rifle & Pistol Club team being awarded by John
Martin at Washington's Birthday Match some time in the 90's.
We just got word in mid Feb '24 that Dave Heminger, 2nd from left
in blue has passed away.
Dave was very active in MRPC and collecting US milsurp including
class III.
He was a mentor and co-enabler to me (that then young guy shaking
hands with John Martin)

We just got word that Bob Jones Passed away.
This picture of Jonesy (left) with John Martin (who passed away in
2016) was probably take 15 or 20 years ago.