High Power Links
My website: http://arizona-rifleshooting.com/
Great YouTube channel for high
power competition: https://www.youtube.com/@konrad1853
really good video describing the course of fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdjj9Q7tY6c
Source for all HP competition
gear (coats, mats, stools etc): https://www.creedmoorsports.com/
Source for match ready uppers,
scopes, lowers, rifle parts: https://www.whiteoakarmament.com/
Civilian Marksmanship Program
(CMP): https://thecmp.org/
Rio Salado: http://www.rsscaz.com/
PRGC (South Mountain): http://www.phoenixrodandgun.org/
Desert Sharpshooters (DSS Ben
Avery): https://www.desertsharpshooters.com/
Tucson Rifle Club (TRC): http://www.tucsonrifleclub.org/
Our state association, ASRPA:
Central AZ Schedule: full distance High
Power, 1st Saturday every month PRGC, 4th
Saturday & most wednesdays DSS/BASF.
Beginner Friendly 200yd shoot: 3rd Saturday PRGC.
500yd prone: 2nd sat at PRGC, 4th sat at